Destiny Mastercard
Credit Card Design - Visual Identity - Display Ads - Email Marketing - Credit Card Design
Destiny Mastercard provides credit to individuals seeking a helpful and optimistic financial future. The challenge involved rebranding the existing brand's presence through new logos, 3 new credit cards, fresh fonts and colors, and a robust style guide. My approach was to design cards that resemble physical places that foster joy and creativity these 3 locations are a seemingly endless desert, a swamp or marsh at dusk, and a mountainous lakeside at dawn. I developed the color palette off of these three environments and wanted them to have high contrast with one another to offer ease of use when designing across various deliverables. These colors, orange, green, and purple, represent hope and opportunity.
While illustrating the credit card designs, I worked alongside the board of directors to develop a new logo. The logo much like the cards, is also inspired by nature, it contains a flower specifically, signifying hope through growth as flowers can grow even in the worst of conditions. The growth of a flower can be compared to building one’s credit as all the work along the way eventually blooms into new opportunities.